This season we are using some clips from science fiction television shows at Holy Cross to engage some of life's most important questions. These questions are not only found on TV but in the Bible itself-even better-the Bible begins to lead us to some answers. This weeks' theme comes from the cult-classic show "Firefly" which revolves a group of renegades and outcasts traveling on the edge of space to live free from a domineering central government. One of the principal characters is a young savant named "River" who was freed from a government run research lab, in the scene below she is dialog with a pastor who is on the run for mysterious reasons. The scene can be viewed on YouTube at the following link.
Your Bible’s broken?
River is searching for herself, the abuse that life has piled upon her has left her lost and confused about who she really is. She develops a close relationship with Shepherd Book; his compassion for her leads her to want to know more about him so she finds his Bible and begins to read through it. She concludes that the Bible is broken because it seems incompatible with a modern scientific worldview. Shepherd finds her tearing out the pages as she tries to reconcile science and faith. He wisely tries to change the framework of the discussion. The Bible was not written as an abstract textbook to give answers that always make sense according to human logic; it was written by people of faith to lead others to an encounter with God.
The Bible leads us to both a communal and personal relationship to the one who created all things and offered us salvation in Jesus. This means that sometimes we need to just accept where people are at in their journey and simply witness why the Bible matters to us. Asking people to accept our worldview, theology, view of scripture, or politics is not the point; the goal is for people to have their own personal relationship with the living God of Jesus Christ who is the only way, truth and life.
A Useful Gift
Paul wrote to encourage Timothy: All
scripture is inspired by God and is useful for teaching, for reproof, for
correction, and for training in righteousness, so that everyone who belongs to God may be proficient, equipped for
every good work. (2 Timothy 3:16-17 NRSV)
The simple truth is that people who already have a
relationship understand why the Bible matters. Those who have not yet had an encounter with the living God will not be able to see this as clearly yet. Once one has a living relationship with Jesus they are able to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit to be taught, reproofed, corrected and trained to live a deeper relationship. The oft quoted passage above actually provides the corollaries to why the Bible matters, which serve the primary reason why God has given us the gift of his Word in a portable written form. The only reason that the Bible really matters is that it gives us an encounter with God. The Bible is a tool or a medium to put you in touch with God. All other claims about it are secondary.
A Walk Through Scripture

You don't fix faith; it fixes you
Stay tuned for week 3-Why
do we deserve to be saved?
Keep the Faith,
Pastor Knecht